Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 189

Safari Technology Preview Release 189 is now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update it in System Settings under General → Software Update.

This release includes WebKit changes between: 273602@main…274066@main.


New Features

  • Added support for light-dark() function for color values. (273634@main) (117033939)
  • Added support for @starting-style. (273740@main) (121918611)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed named at-rule container getting skipped when the container is named in a :host selector. (273987@main) (120428386)
  • Fixed the name for a ::slotted pseudo-element in a container query getting resolved against the wrong scope. (274050@main) (122224135)


  • Removed :-webkit-full-screen-ancestor pseudo-class. (273620@main) (100782937)
  • Removed :-webkit-full-screen-controls-hidden pseudo-class. (273619@main) (121323330)
  • Removed :-webkit-full-page-media pseudo-class. (273618@main) (121752962)
  • Removed :-webkit-full-screen-document pseudo-class. (273639@main) (121816310)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed parsing a self-closing SVG script element. It now successfully executes. (273697@main) (121887875)
  • Fixed “about:blank” document.referrer initialization. (273830@main) (97689906)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed throwing a RangeError if Set methods are called on an object with negative size property. (274009@main) (121310940)
  • Fixed eval() function from another realm to not cause a direct eval call. (273782@main) (121546048)
  • Fixed eval() call with ...spread syntaxt to be a direct call. (273788@main) (121547890)
  • Fixed programming style for bitwise and in setExpectionPorts. (273960@main) (122138733)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed Greek uppercase transforms failing for some characters. (274036@main) (90364897)
  • Fixed lingering boxes with content-visibility: hidden. (273602@main) (117916396)
  • Fixed parts of the content disappear when interacting with overflow:scroll, z-index and positioning (including Heroku apps). (273999@main) (120373474)
  • Fixed align-content and justify-content on scroll containers causing overflowing content to become inaccessible. (273737@main) (121366949)
  • Fixed line break at gaps between two inline elements in a container with white-space: nowrap. (121859917)
  • Fixed a floating element causing the latter half of a hyphenated word to disappear. (273836@main) (121889487)
  • Fixed cropped first letter for custom fonts that report negative advance width. (121891210)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed SVG title to have display: none as the default UA style rule. (273991@main) (122185838)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed history.pushState() and history.replaceState() to ignore the title argument. (273650@main) (75695791)
  • Fixed lang attribute in no namespace to only apply to HTML and SVG elements. (273726@main) (117795695)
  • Fixed spelling of clonable. (274063@main) (121516711)


  • Removed which from KeyboardEvent. (273701@main) (106580687)

Web Inspector

New Features

  • Added a Media details panel to Web Inspector when selecting a <video> or <audio> element in the Elements tab. (273777@main) (118865793)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed font sizes in the Audits tab. (273615@main) (76162927)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed navigator.credentials.create() rejects with “NotAllowedError: Operation Failed” after a conditional UI request is aborted. (273918@main) (109936742)


New Features

  • Enabled support for EXT_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge, WEBGL_render_shared_exponent, and WEBGL_stencil_texturing. (273645@main) (121835897)


New Features

  • Added support for missing WebRTC stats. (273643@main) (121594743)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed a bug that prevented HTML canvas elements from always being marked dirty on initialization. This could cause some video effects to have choppy animations. (273897@main) (121257960)
  • Fixed VideoTrackGenerator writer to close when its generator track (and all its clones) are stopped. (273778@main) (121835553)