Celebrating 15 Years of WebKit

15 years ago today, on August 24th, 2001, you can see the first check-in to the very same WebKit repository we have been using ever since. This was only a few weeks after the WebKit project was born on June 25th, 2001. Nowadays, WebKit is a well-established open source project. Our 15-year history is in the public repository.

WebKit has come a long way since those early days. It is a true open source project with a public repository. It supports multiple platforms. It has a bunch of exciting modern Web platform features, including many invented by the WebKit team. It has taken performance to far greater levels. And it is the de facto standard for the mobile web.

All of those developments were incredibly exciting to work on. The occasion today is an opportunity to pause and reflect on WebKit’s humble beginnings, and how far it has come. Let’s keep building on this history to make WebKit even more awesome.