Web Inspector ReferenceNetwork Tab

The Network Tab shows a table of every resource that has been requested since Web Inspector was opened. In addition to CSS, JS, and HTML resources, the table also includes API-driven network requests such as XHR, fetch, WebSocket, navigator.sendBeacon, etc.

By default, each resource in the table is sorted based on when the resource request began. Columns can be shown/hidden by right-clicking on the header of the table and checking/unchecking the desired column. In addition to the columns shown above (Name, Domain, Type, Transfer Size, Time, and the Waterfall), there are also columns that can be shown for MIME Type, Method, Scheme, Status, Protocol, Initiator, Priority, IP Address, Connection ID, and Resource Size.

Resources in the table can be filtered either via the URL input or the resource type segmented controls found above the table. It’s also possible to keep the items currently in the table from being replaced during page navigations by checking Preserve Log.

Statistics about the resources currently shown in the table are listed below the table:

  • [Domain Count] is the number of unique domains that were communicated with.
  • [Resource Count] is the number of resources that have been loaded.
  • [Total Resource Size] is the total uncompressed bytes of all resources.
  • [Total Transfer Size] is the total bytes transferred over the network for all resources.
  • [Redirect Count] is a count of all redirects made for all resources.
  • [Load Time] is when the "load" event was fired.

Selecting a resource in the table will show a more dedicated view about that resource, including a number of different panes, each focusing on a particular aspect of that resource.

  • The Preview pane displays the contents of the resource as if it were viewed in the Sources Tab.

  • The Headers pane shows information about the request and response headers, including any redirects.

    Resources loaded from JavaScript will also have an [Call Stack] next to the Initiator that will show a popover with a stack trace when clicked.

  • The Cookies pane parses and displays any request and response cookies in a table for easier readability.

  • The Sizes pane includes details about the sizes of the various payloads involved with the request.

  • The Timing pane graphs a resource timing data of the selected resource, broken down into distinct phases.

    This information is also shown in a popover when clicking on the activity bars of any resource in the Waterfall column of the table.

  • The Security pane provides details about the security of the connection and certificate used to fetch the resource.


To export data in the table into an HTTP Archive (HAR) file, click Export or by press  S. To import previously exported HAR files, click Import or drag-and-drop the files over Web Inspector. Imported HAR files are individually viewable by selecting that HAR file after clicking [Select HAR].

Controlling Resource Caching

Caching can sometimes get in the way of developing websites as it can prevent changes made to resources from taking effect as the previously cached version is used instead. The [Ignore Cache] toggle controls whether WebKit will use these cached resources for any future resource requests so long as Web Inspector is open. This toggle is persistent across Web Inspector sessions.

Updated for Safari Technology Preview. Try it out for the latest Web Inspector features, including all of the above and more.

Written December 16, 2020 by Brian Burg, Devin Rousso, Joseph Pecoraro, and Timothy Hatcher

Last updated December 15, 2020 by Devin Rousso